What Does Hypnotherapy Treat?

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Graphic shows Anne-Marie Cassidy, RTT Practitioner in her office at home. The text reads, 'What does hypnotherapy treat?'

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How Broad is the Scope of Hypnotherapy as a Treatment?

Hypnotherapy is one of the oldest known healing modalities. Believed to have originated sometime in the late 18th century. Long before modern medications came into being.

Though many people think of it as being used for smoking cessation, anxiety, fears, phobias, passing a driving test/exams, and similar, it really has applications for almost anything; physical or emotional.

Marisa Peer, the creator of RTT, has even treated people for conditions like cerebral palsy, which is a condition marked by impaired muscle coordination, sometimes with other disabilities, and typically caused by damage to the brain before or at birth. And you may ask, how can hypnotherapy be used to treat a condition of birth? Surely that is impossible?

But the truth is, that there are so many neurological pathways in the brain that are under-utilised, and if, in hypnosis, we tell your mind to use a different pathway from the one it is unsuccessfully using; give the client’s mind a firm directive, telling it exactly how we require it to function, then it is entirely possible to effect real, dramatic improvement in symptoms, as long as the client uses their personalised recording as directed.

With something like cerebral palsy, we would not even have to regress the client to scenes from the past, as we would typically do with RTT, because we know this condition is not as a result of a subconscious belief.

It Can Be a Simple, Almost Throwaway Statement!

But for most people, their issues will stem from a belief that formed between the ages of 0 to 7 or possibly 7 to 14. Even health conditions. People are often amazed by how there can be a moment of real clarity in hypnosis, like a mystery revealed in their own words.

For example, a client who presents with premature sight loss, with no particular family history of early vision problems, may have been subjected to a variety of unsavoury situations in their childhood, and when regressed to a relevant scene in hypnosis, may have found themselves repeating over and over again, ‘I don’t want to see this anymore. I don’t want to see this anymore.’

And your subconscious mind is that clever, and it is running the show, and it is always switched on and listening. So it longs to help you, and it does what you begged for, it reduces your ability to see.

That sounds simplistic. But your mind is black and white. It will do what is required to protect you and keep you safe, even if that is to your physical detriment. During trainings with Marisa Peer, over and over again, real, tangible improvements occurred for people with health issues, after having Rapid Transformational Therapy.

You only have to read books like ‘How Your Mind Can Heal Your Body,’ by Dr David R. Hamilton PhD or Marisa Peer’s own, ‘Tell Yourself a Better Lie,’ where some RTT case studies are detailed that concern emotional and physical health issues.

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RTT has been used successfully for OCD, extreme grief, suicidal thoughts, scoliosis, all kinds of addictions, grief, phobias, panic attacks, fertility (many, many RTT babies!!), all forms of allergies and eczema, auto-immune diseases, cancer. It really should be tried in almost any and all circumstances.

Because many times these things have formed as a subconscious need to be punished, prioritised, or protected as a child. They come into being as a way to get noticed, or to fit in, or to fulfil some need that a parent has for the child.

Illness forms as a response to suppressed feelings, too. Emotions and habits like resentment and people-pleasing have been proven to lead to life-limiting conditions like motor-neurone disease and multiple sclerosis, even cancer.

Your biography becomes your biology. The story you tell yourself, the beliefs you hold, will show up in your body.

RTT hypnotherapy works through finding out what the subconscious belief is that is driving the emotional or physical illness. And once you have that information, and question the veracity of whether you still need that same belief now, you can reverse the thoughts through the use of a personalised hypnosis recording.

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Rapid Transformation Therapy for Depression

A beautiful indoor swing with plush white cushions, writing on the white painted wall reads, 'Self Love,' in pastel shades

RTT is also amazing for depression, because depression is often down to feelings such as you are not enough, that you are different and have trouble making connections, not being able to follow your heart’s desire, the horrible things you say to yourself on a repeat basis. And we establish through hypnosis that you don’t need to feel that way, because we examine why you started feeling that way, what the belief was, and we give you the skills to feel a different way, and start the process of healing and eventually weaning you off antidepressants.

A great source of information regarding depression, either for yourself, or if it’s something that is happening to your child, is my depression masterclass, which is very helpful and reassuring, and will arm you with some sound background information and fully explain why RTT works. You can view that here.

Hypnosis also works for all things that respond equally well to skilled visualisation techniques; such as sports performance, public-speaking, performance anxiety of any kind. We are reprogramming your ever-hungry mind. Excavating the rot.

The only people we as practitioners are advised not to treat are people who suffer from epilepsy, and people with a diagnosed psychosis, such as schizophrenia, multiple personality disorder, hallucinatory conditions and similar. Though I do know of RTT therapists who have claimed to have treated epilepsy successfully. There would be a risk a client could have a seizure while in hypnosis.

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It is also probably likely that we won’t get to treat narcissism either. Because narcissists don’t believe they have a problem! But RTT is wonderful for victims of narcissistic abuse, who will need help to get over the gaslighting, stepping back into their personal power, regaining trust in the validity of their own point of view again.

A bare male torso reaching with his arm around his back

Your Body Listens to Your Mind

Your Mind doesn’t always Listen to your Body!

But your mind and your body and the synergistic relationship between them are endlessly fascinating to explore through hypnotherapy. It is often a very simplistic thought that creates a mammoth problem. Because sometimes, when the mind’s early attempts causing a symptom to provide a solution don’t work, the mind will tell the body to create more complex, more harmful conditions as a result. And this can lead to you cycling through an endless repertoire of illness.

I know from personal experience that my mind went from causing things like acne, to anorexia, to severe back pain, and much more, in an attempt to earn me some notice. For someone to see that I was emotionally unsupported. Because nobody seemed to notice when I was having a hard time emotionally, my body was compelled by my mind to create something that screamed, ‘Can’t you dummies see that something’s going wrong here?!’

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A very common condition that a client will present with is underactive thyroid. And this is often because they have led their lives in suppression. Your thyroid corresponds to your throat chakra; your voice. So living a life of people-pleasing, not saying what’s on your mind, saying yes when you long to say no, being a mouse when you long to be a lioness, all makes everything slow down, and get sleepy, and lazy. We often get told to, ‘just calm down’ or ‘why are you always nagging?’ and if that happens often enough, eventually we give up. We get quiet. And our bodily systems respond to that quiet too. Because the mind has decided that trying to be heard gets us nowhere, and it’s aggravating to analyse that hurt too much, so it switches off that emotion. And you can’t switch off an emotion without switching off something inside your body.

But your body can be reactivated at any time in your life. It is never too late. And it’s also never too early to start either. Children respond very well to RTT, and it has been used for self-esteem, bed-wetting, and all kinds of childhood emotional distress. Some practitioners will use a puppet as part of a therapy session, and demonstrate with the puppet how the child will be hypnotised. The child can practice hypnotising the puppet and have fun with the whole experience!

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If you are healing after surgery, an accident, a traumatic incident; the recovery from these things can be dramatically speeded up with the use of hypnotherapy. Your cells respond to a clear directive from your mind. And because your cells can change at any time, so there is also the possibility that with the right quality of work, that even things considered genetic or hereditary can respond to Rapid Transformational Therapy.

And never consign yourself to suffering from PTSD for life. Don’t ever resign yourself to the scrap heap without trying this process for yourself.

When you get your mind on board, your body will follow. Basically, my advice would be to anybody that is struggling with conventional therapy, or conventional treatment, let’s investigate whether there is a subconscious belief attached to this ailment or emotional state. Or a subconscious belief that is preventing you from healing correctly. And if it’s straight up healing you need, because you know exactly what happened? We can do that too.

an african american male holding a fanned out stack of cash money

Even things like having a phenomenal money mindset, giving you the belief that you can be abundant, that you can find love, that you feel and look like a goddess, can all be installed in you with the use of hypnosis! There is nothing that you need to be embarrassed about asking for.

RTT works for erectile dysfunction too. There is nothing you have or say that won’t have come up before, or at least something as equally strange.

We are human beings and we have pretty fascinating things go wrong with us!

I came across RTT after exhausting many, many other options related to alternative treatments, therapies, diets, supplements. I spent a lot of money on the road to achieving my current peaceful and constructive state of mind. And out of all of those things, RTT is the one I chose to train in. Because it is the one that moved the needle for me. I am convinced it can do the same for you.


Anne-Marie x

Floral graphic with Anne-Marie Cassidy

About Me

Hello, I’m Anne-Marie. I am a RTT Practitioner, Romance Author, Championship Dog Show Judge.

I have a lot going on! But my primary focus is helping people achieve their personal and professional goals, whatever they may be. If you’re struggling, I am the kind of person you want in your corner.

Click here to book your free discovery call now

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