Treat your PTSD or phobia

comfortably & quickly in as little as one session.


Hypnotherapy for Past Trauma

I offer you The Rewind Spell.

This is a package of therapy I created that uses the Rewind Technique; a tried-and-tested approach to treating PTSD, fears, phobias, abuse of all kinds, even anxiety and depression.

A truly exciting addition to my therapy toolkit.

If talk therapy didn’t seem to get you the results you wanted, or you’ve tried Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and it’s not worked for you, that could be because these forms of therapy rely on you having a conscious thought before you experience the physical signs of distress or discomfort; feelings like racing heart, nausea, shakes, sweating, all the signs of a panic attack and more.

Your critical, thinking, logical mind has already been overtaken by the emotion of ‘feeling.’ Because when there is a battle between a feeling or emotion and what you logically know to be true of the current event, then the emotion/sensation/feeling will always win. It’s just the way we are wired.

That’s why to a veteran soldier with PTSD, a car-backfiring may provoke a physical response to a ‘gunshot’ before his or her mind has had time to register what the sound truly was. The fear or the fight or the flight kick in first.

Our nervous systems never really forgot sabre-toothed tigers and woolly mammoths! Fight, flight, freeze is a powerful thing IF your mind thinks that situation is still current or imminent because those feelings and stress hormones keep being triggered first.

For many years, the widespread belief was that clients with severe anxiety-based conditions, such as post-traumatic stress disorder or phobias, or trauma-related incidents, needed months and sometimes years of CBT or counselling.

Now, I am happy to say that through a specific form of hypnotherapy, you can de-traumatise your mind just as quickly as the speed with which you gained your fear or phobia. There’s also no longer a need to go through prolonged desensitisation or exposure therapy for phobias.

This is the reassuring magic of the Rewind Technique.

And the package of support I offer to you, I call The Rewind Spell!

The beauty of this treatment is that it does not require you to recount the details repeatedly in your conscious state. As a hypnotherapist, I don’t want you to have to do that at all.

I want to take you to a safe, comfortable place, in hypnosis, and show your mind how to reprocess that memory, and take it away from the front and centre area of your mind, where it is being fired up against your conscious will by triggers in your emotional or physical environment. And take it to the ‘vault’ of your mind, where you can happily think, ‘yes, I understand that happened to me once, but it doesn’t have to rule my day-to-day life now.’

We can restore your natural ability to process the past and keep your present experience in the calm and capable, everything’s under control zone.

The Rewind Technique has been successfully tested by the Human Givens Institute in the UK, and Nova (part of the Barnardo’s charity). Within those studies not one client found the treatment ineffective.

Anne-Marie Cassidy and an hour glass and stars graphic.

After a session you can also expect to see a dramatic difference in all the sub-symptoms you are experiencing as a result of reprocessing your traumatic memories.

As a practitioner, once I have some idea of the scenes which have led to your discomfort, it’s not necessary to question you at length about every single detail. As long as you feel you will roughly be able to visualise that time from a calm, safe space in hypnosis, while I do the work of guiding you and protecting you, then that is as intrusive as the treatment gets.

What do I receive when I invest in The Rewind Spell?

  • 1 x 60 minute ‘Your Mind, My Magic’ Zoom consultation.

  • Let’s get all the feelings off your chest and clearly set out; how you are currently impacted, and let me get a rough idea of the scenes you believe are behind them.

  • 1 x 60-90 minute Rewind Technique Session, covering a maximum of 3 traumatic scenes.

  • 1 x 30-minute catch-up call around 2 weeks after your session.

Hopefully, that sounds more supportive and proactive than contemplating many months of talking over, around, and through it?

There is no doubt talk therapy is valuable to many people, but for some people, the traditional route simply embeds those difficulties further into the mind, making them seem more alive than ever.

It wasn’t a route that worked for me, which is why the methods I feel happy to bring to you are Rapid Transformational Therapy and The Rewind Spell.

What are my next steps if I’m interested in discovering more?

You can book a free, no-obligation, no sales pitch, Your Time, My Magic Call to discuss whether Rapid Transformational Therapy or The Rewind Spell would be better for you.

I do a short, prospective client intake with you and discuss what you might need. I always leave the final decision up to you to make after the call ends.

But if what you’ve read here sounds like exactly what you need. And you’re ready to change your life now.

Then you can get started straight away with The Rewind Spell by booking your 1 hour, Your Mind, My Magic Call, and paying for your package total using this button.

Either way, you can expect fast and lasting results. Should you need further Rewind Spell sessions, these are priced separately at a reduced fee. But, like Rapid Transformational Therapy, you might very well be surprised at how far this takes you in one shot!

You can read more about the Rewind Technique here on my blog.

You might also gain insight from reading this article about the Rewind Technique, and why reliving the trauma with your conscious mind isn’t necessarily guaranteed to bring about the outcome you want.

Hypnotherapy for Past Trauma?

I believe in The Rewind Spell and what it can achieve for you.

The Rewind: For those times when the feeling or response comes before the conscious thought.

Let’s move the memories, trauma and fears to the area of the brain that marks them as the past - for good.