Subconscious Games

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Variations on a Theme - The Mind Edit!

‘Let’s go back to scenes in the past.’

Do those words immediately make you worry about finding the right scenes in hypnosis?

People sometimes have a concern, ahead of hypnotherapy, particularly RTT, when they realise we will be going back to scenes from the past. That concern is, what if nothing comes up? What if nothing comes to me? What if I feel pressured to come up with something and I don’t know what to say?

Firstly, we aren’t dealing with your conscious mind. You don’t have to think of anything; your subconscious mind will know exactly what to recall.

If during the initial discovery call, I determine, or you express, that there may be an issue in ‘allowing’ the process, I will provide you with a free of charge primer recording. You will listen to this for about a week ahead of time, and this will allow your conscious mind to get used to the idea of slipping away and allowing your subconscious to surface.

People with certain professions like armed forces, police, pilot e.g. - the kind of professions where people have an actual need to be in control of a situation, or simply clients that feel they have control issues, will probably need this extra step. It can take a while for such people to know that it is ok to cede control for a while.

And it is still entirely possible that when it comes to the regression step, your mind only comes up with blank, or blackness. This is quite normal. The first step would be to treat the moment like a practice run and try regressing you once again. Allowing your subconscious to have a run-up, as it were.

Image shows an empty leather chair and a hanging fob watch on a chain

There’s no watching the swaying timepiece with RTT!

Or, we can just ask, while you are sitting there experiencing the blackness, what is the feeling you are feeling? And while you are sitting there experiencing that feeling, just allow that feeling to build and build. And then we question you about the feeling.

The questioning is simple and targeted, and it cuts out the fluff! It has a dogged format to it whereby the client’s subconscious mind has no real choice other than to reveal something insightful! It largely involves leading questions where your subconscious just has to put the relevant ending on the sentence. So that makes it so easy. For the client, and the practitioner, there is a kind of excitement to it, like you are reading a really engrossing mystery.

I Feel Like I’ve Lived My Life In The Dark!

And sometimes blackness is not you actually blanking on producing a scene, it is actually that you have gone back to a scene where you literally are in the darkness. You just haven’t understood what you are seeing. Sometimes a client has been locked in a dark room or a closet. This can even sometimes be a womb memory! Which is always really interesting when a client is lucky enough to have that happen.

If, on the other hand, that is not the case, and nothing seems to be triggering a scene, then there is a secondary tool we use which simply takes you back to your childhood home and asks the younger you some questions. Often that will produce something that we can then regress you to a scene about.

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How Is This Problem Serving You?

If nothing much is still coming up, then we can move to asking your subconscious mind what the role, function, purpose and intention of what you are suffering with/coping with, is. This is usually supremely helpful in the way the tool is enacted. It often releases very critical information for the client.

Another interesting thing that can happen is that your subconscious mind only produces metaphors instead of scenes! The stars, the moon, a beach ball, a flower. Don’t worry; nothing that you do in hypnosis is wrong. You are unique, and your journey through the process is unique.

What you need to be reassured about is that the onus is not fully on you to figure out what the scene or the information means. I clarify that, and present it back to you, for you to then easily make the connection between the past/the metaphor/whatever, and what you are currently dealing with in your life today. There is such a relief for the client that increases throughout the session as they start to work it all out.

It doesn’t matter what age, sex, or problem you have - this all works!

My most recent client, who was a 19-year-old man and not my usual demographic of presenting client, when asked whether he thought the session had been worth doing, he replied, ‘100%’.

And that was so gratifying, because you expect young people to have a healthier amount of scepticism. And men do tend to be a little trickier, anyway.

What I want you to take away from this post is not to be apprehensive upfront. This is not something you can fail at. There are so many ways to glean the information. You will not come out of the session without any answers or without a solution. I am confident about that.

Shows a window inscribed, 'If you never know failure, you will never know success.' Sugar Ray Leonard

The process worked for me. And I came at it with decades of mis-steps. My problems were multiple and multi-layered. I was a particularly well-knitted bundle of knots. A mass of insecurities, loss of self-worth, not knowing my place in the world, or what I really wanted. I was also blessed with insecurities about my face and body because damage had been done to them, partially due to other people just not giving decisions about me enough thought. I’d lost myself basically, and was beating myself up over how many years I’d lost in the process. And the opportunities other people take for granted that I had missed out on.

There was not one aspect of me that I felt was unscathed by the time I hit my forties. In fact, some of the worst days of my life were my 18th, 21st and 40th birthdays!

I felt completely overwhelmed by my baggage and wasn’t sure there was ever going to be a solution.

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So, the truth is, the majority of my clients will not be as complex as me. And that is not me bragging! I just know I am an awkward bugger! I had a whole smorgasbord of bad experiences to relate, and unusual ones too. I was also intelligent enough to be overthinking and over-analysing everything to my disadvantage. And I have still managed to come out the other side through the use of RTT.

Picture of Anne-Marie Cassidy around age 12

But even my many problems really only stemmed from one issue. The rest was symptomatic of the fact no-one was really lovingly guiding me through the process of being a child and an adolescent. Instead, there were elements of blame, body shaming, familial indifference, lack of awareness, fear of doing the wrong thing, not good enough, tidy enough, also parental fear of challenging authority on my behalf. Parents in an unhappy marriage. No paternal support; only tormenting and resentment of my very existence!

My father was jealous of the relationship I had with my mother, and blamed me for his failure to be a loving and supportive partner. He was, and is, blithely unaware that there were repercussions for my life of having the role of being my mum’s de facto partner. I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t even get that concept if he were presented with it.

There was also plenty of comparison made to other families; the old, ‘why can’t you be more like…’ etc. I think my mum was powerfully afraid to be seen to be failing through the activities of her children. I loved my mum dearly, but there were intense times where her actions were deeply wounding. I remember once being hauled in front of a mirror, the puppy fat on my upper arm being squeezed, ‘just look at you’. My crime was eating after-school toast and biscuits.

Mum inadvertently gifted me with an almost absolute carbon copy of her own childhood and its insecurities. Comments were often made on my physical appearance.

I can see now that there were probably many times where she must have felt everything in her life was out of control, so she had to be able to control something, even if that was her youngest daughter’s weight.

So, if I had to name one thing underpinning my childhood, that word would be fear. I was often fearful at home and outside.

But so very many of these things were nothing I could have changed. I was just along for the ride. And to be absolved of that responsibility was powerful.

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Most people’s issues will stem from one thing too, but then the problems get expansive, variations on a theme. That’s why you want to work with me, because I am not someone who is doing this work because it seems like a good way to earn money; that RTT is something I can tack on as an extra string to the bow of the other things I am doing.

I don’t do this because it sounds like great marketing copy. It’s not glossy, or sound-bytey to me. If I could do it for free, I would. And I hope to be working with charitable institutions in the future.

I’m also not doing multiple other offerings in the health and wellness field. I am just focused on this one thing.

I am doing this work because it is vitally important to me to change the way people are experiencing their lives for the better. I certainly don’t want you to be me and lose decades due to what is happening.

My focus is on sorting out the genuine problems. We can work on upping your lifestyle game later! What I do know for sure is that together we will find those vivid, vital, crucially revealing scenes!

Come explore the past with me - it’s much easier and more fun than you think! Oh and please share this post with someone you think may need to hear it. A-M x

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Floral graphic with Anne-Marie Cassidy

About Me

Hello, I’m Anne-Marie. I am a RTT Practitioner, Romance Author, Championship Dog Show Judge.

I have a lot going on! But my primary focus is helping people achieve their personal and professional goals, whatever they may be. If you’re struggling, I am the kind of person you want in your corner.

Click here to book your free discovery call now

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